English Business News 02/ 2023

We would also like to update our English speaking clients on a quarterly basis about the most recent developements in tax matters and any related topics.
Social insurance & cross-border telework

Social insurance & cross-border telework

In addition to the existing bilateral agreements that Austria has already concluded with Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, a multilateral framework agreement is now also available.


Review Draft of the Tax Amendment Act 2023

Recently, the ministerial draft of the Tax Amendment Act 2023 was sent out for review. Below you will find some key tax points of the draft law for advance information.

Review Draft of the Tax Amendment Act 2023
Refund of foreign withholding tax

Refund of foreign withholding tax

Income from foreign securities is subject to Austrian income tax. In addition, the foreign state also taxes. This tax burden can be minimized.


The new EU reorganization law

The EU Reorganization Act newly regulates the cross-border transfer of registered offices, mergers and splits for the purpose of reorganization. However, the domestic Reorganization Tax Act does not undergo any changes as a result.

The new EU reorganization law
ESRS: Acting on the basis of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards

ESRS: Acting on the basis of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards

As a framework for sustainability reporting, Set 1 of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) lays the foundation for a standardized language for sustainability-related topics across Europe.


Self-check for energy cost flat rate

The flat-rate energy allowance is intended to help small and micro-entrepreneurs cope with high energy costs. Entrepreneurs can check whether they meet the eligibility requirements in a self-check.

Self-check for energy cost flat rate